Human Rights in Cocoa Industry

Understanding the importance of human rights in the cocoa industry is crucial for sustainability of the industry. The cocoa industry is notorious for its use of forced labor, child labor, and poor working conditions. It cant continue. By prioritizing human rights, companies can not just ensure that workers are treated fairly and ethically throughout the supply chain, but also increase share and stakeholder interest as well as 5x the performance of adult, paid workers.

In addition to human rights, respecting civil rights in the cocoa industry is also important for the long-term viability of cocoa production. When workers are no longer trafficked minors and are begun to be treated well and paid comfortably, the era of cheap commodity chocolate will cease to exist. They are kept in poverty to ensure the hundreds of millions dollars in wages are given to the CEO's in Europe and America, not just to profit from the revenue. By adding human rights to the industry entirely, independent farms, makers, companies and cacao farming communities can help establish human rights in areas beyond just where child-slavery in normal.

Overall, promoting human rights in the cocoa industry is not only the ethical choice, but also the smart choice for businesses. By prioritizing human rights, companies can build trust with consumers, differentiate their products in the market, and ensure the long-term success of their brand and products. It is essential for companies to take proactive steps to address human rights issues and create a more sustainable cocoa supply chain as it is clear, the absence of human rights are the actual cost of cheap commodity chocolate.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Human rights in the cocoa industry are crucial for creating sustainable and ethical supply chains.
    • West Africa Versus the World
  • Respecting human rights leads to improved working conditions and the long-term viability of cocoa production in other countries.
    • Exploitation-Free Models Around the World
  • Prioritizing human rights can help build trust with consumers and ensure the success of the cocoa industry.
    • Cocoa Farms Tours and Their Value

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